Toronto and York Region Métis Community

TYRMC nominated for the Toronto Community Champion Award

March 27, 2023

On March 20th 2023, the Toronto & York Region Métis Council accepted the Toronto Community Champion Award for supporting the Indigenous community by doing vaccine outreach, providing financial and food support, distributing school supplies, and distributing PPE throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Toronto Community Champion Award recognizes and acknowledges the extraordinary contributions that community organizations have made to support the health and solidarity of the residents of the City of Toronto throughout the pandemic.

This award shines a spotlight on organizations across the city that made a positive and lasting impact on individuals and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those in most vulnerable areas and populations. Stories of resilience, perseverance and strength are worthy of recognition, for they honour the collective commitment and unwavering determination of our communities to support each other through some of the most unprecedented of times our city has ever experienced.” – City of Toronto

Image of framed Toronto Community Champion Award
From left to right: Sophie McGrath, Alicia Blore, Suzanne Brunelle, Mary Anne Blore, Virginia Barter, Elaine Brindley

Our Senator Suzanne Brunelle opened up the event in a good way with a beautiful opening prayer and awards were then shared with the 25 nominated organizations, with special mentions to 20 additional organizations for their incredible efforts in supporting their communities during COVID. Check out this video to see the list of all the nominees.

A huge maarsii goes out to the TYRMC citizen who nominated us for this award. We are so grateful that we were able to offer support to community during the most challenging years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Suzanne delivering the opening prayer.
Accepting the award from Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie
Dr. Eileen de Villa and Suzanne Brunelle

© 2025 Toronto York Region Métis Community