Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak / Women of the Métis Nation is excited to announce the launch of a Youth Council dedicated to fostering leadership, cultural pride, and community engagement. We are seeking enthusiastic and committed Métis youth, aged 18 – 29, who are passionate about their culture, eager to represent their communities, and dedicated to making a difference.
This Expression of Interest is an opportunity for Métis youth to apply for a position on the Métis Youth Council, where they can contribute their unique perspectives, leadership, and ideas to help shape the future of Métis youth engagement.
Who Should Apply
We encourage Métis youth (18-29) who:
– Have a strong connection to their Métis heritage.
– Are passionate about community involvement and leadership.
– Are eager to advocate for Métis youth and culture.
– Can commit to attending meetings and participating in council activities (virtually and in-person).
Questions? Reach out to Nika at nikap@metiswomen.org
Complete Form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgNx_Gjnbsujej04Gv2s-SKrX1eVA7WnCIVKCJQajZE2miEg/viewform