Attention Toronto and York Region Métis Citizens,
We want to inform you of an exciting opportunity to actively contribute to your Métis community by volunteering for the Toronto and York Region Métis Council. There is one position on the council that has recently become vacant, and we invite you to consider taking on this meaningful role.
To learn more about the vacant position and the application process, please follow the link here. The vacancy notice is posted on the Métis Nation of Ontario’s website, where you will find all the necessary details. Application deadline is February 12, 2024.
Serving on your Community Council is a wonderful chance to give back to your Métis community, contribute to its growth, and connect with your Métis culture. Your involvement can make a significant impact, and we encourage you to consider this opportunity with enthusiasm.
Please note all Community Council positions are on a volunteer basis (unpaid).
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to the Toronto and York Region Métis Council at TYRMC@metisnation.org.