What happened:
Facilitated by Bob Goulais, Nbisiing Consulting with support from Yulia Pak of Third Party Public (formerly Swerhun Inc.). The Northcrest team, led by Derek Goring and Jinny Tran, presented the key components of the emerging Downsview 1st District Plan.
Key themes of discussion:
- naturalization and places for gardens and birds
- sustainable energy, redevelopment practices and design
- prioritization of Indigenous people, especially Indigenous youth in employment and training opportunities
- arts and culture
- Indigenous services located in this area of the City
Who Attended:
In addition to Bob Goulais, Yulia Pak and the Northcrest team, Terence Radford of Trophic Design, a member of the consultant team, and Jessica Krushnisky, a planner with the City of Toronto responsible for Update Downsview, also attended the meeting.