Storytelling & Traditional Teachings
Join Anishnawbe Health Toronto for a series of storytelling presentations on enduring troubling times, surviving challenges, keeping families strong, and emerging stronger for it all. Elders and Knowledge Holders from across Turtle Island will share their experiences as well as stories within their own cultures and Nations.
Perry’s spirit name is “Aandzooked”, which means “Teller of sacred stories” in Ojibway. Perry’s storytelling presentation is titled: “We Are All Stories Waiting to Be Told.” In his presentation, Perry will explain that our stories connect us to our past, present, and future. Through the stories and teachings of The Bear Moon (Mukwa Gezis), the stories speak to who we are as Indigenous people of this land, and they reveal our world view and understanding of our place in creation. Perry will be sharing stories that have been told to him and will be sharing stories that he has lived. “Storytelling is more than just telling stories. It’s taking your sprit on a journey to a sacred place where only your spirit can go.”
All are welcome to view the presentation starting at 12 noon EST on Friday, March 31, 2023 on Anishnawbe Health Toronto’ Facebook page: or visit the event link directly:
This presentation series is made possible by the generous donors to the Anishnawbe Health Foundation.