Help our community stay safe and warm this winter with the TYRMC Street Survivor Kit Distribution and Winter Coat Drive @ Allen Gardens (Jarvis and Carlton St.).
The TYRMC is accepting gently used winter coats. If you are able to provide a coat for an adult or child, please gather and drop them off on Saturday November 5th between 11am and 1pm at our Community Garden space at Allen Gardens (located near Jarvis and Carlton between the church and the conservatory).
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Kit and Coat Distribution between 1 and 3:30pm. Starting at 1pm, we will disburse in teams to distribute the survival kits and winter coats to our people in need in the community. Our focus will be on the downtown core and we will be given a designated area. We will also need persons to take the lead with vehicles as the kits and coats will be cumbersome to carry long distances.
If you are interested in helping distributing the kits and coats please send us an email at