Strong Métis Roots
My name is Sharon Cadeau and I am seeking your support to re-elect me as Vice-Chair of the Métis Nation of Ontario.
My ancestral home is the Georgian Bay area and I am a proud descendant of three Métis Nation of Ontario root families: Gendron – Hallo; Laramie -Cloutier; and Vasseur – Longlade .
I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and as my father was in the Canadian Armed Forces, my family was posted to many military bases within Canada and in Germany. I had an exciting life growing up – so very different than most people – but there is a downside: not getting to know your extended family and your roots.
I became involved with the MNO since I discovered my father’s secret: he was Métis. My story is not so different from many of our citizens.
Experienced Leadership
I am proud of my involvement in the MNO and my commitment to our communities. I often explain that my passion is a direct result of the fact that two of my direct lines signed the Penetanguishene Petition in 1840 and I am finishing what was started!
I have been instrumental in many of the major decisions that have affected all MNO citizens. In 2017, I introduced a resolution at the PCMNO table that launched an independent MNO-wide registry review. This intensive but foundational work was necessary for self-government and it paved our path to Bill C53.
As Vice-Chair, I have played a key role in revamping the Métis Nation of Ontario Rules of Order and creating the Code of Conduct that will be brought before our citizens at our AGA this summer.
As Vice-Chair, I am responsible for ensuring that our meetings are conducted in a manner consistent with our MNO Statement of Prime Purpose. Ensuring a respectful space for all citizens’ voices and maintaining decorum has been one of my key responsibilities. As Vice-Chair, I review citizens and Council complaints and respond to issues in a manner that supports respectful conduct. As a retired Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, my professional experience has served me well in my position of Vice-Chair.
Our Work Ahead
The Métis Nation of Ontario is the only Métis Government within the Métis National Council that doesn’t have a constitution. This is what the MNO will be focusing on for the next four years. We will be dealing with major change in how we govern ourselves, and citizen engagement will be crucial to our constitution-building process.
As your Vice-Chair, I will work hard to ensure that your voices are heard and our dialogue is productive, respectful, and inclusive.
The next four years are so important and I offer my service to the MNO in the capacity of Vice-Chair. I have the skills, experience and commitment to serve you well and ask that you vote for me as Vice-Chair. I will work tirelessly to move our Nation forward.