My name is Kate Stewart-McNeil, and I am asking for your vote in the upcoming election for Region 8 Councillor on PCMNO. I descend from Drummond Islanders and am currently residing in an urban setting.
In my short time serving in this role to date, I have discovered what I can contribute to the Métis Nation. Building bridges is an important step in moving forward toward fully recognized Métis Self-Government. As already self-governing and self-determining people, we know that how we communicate matters a lot, and needs to be professional, empathetic, respectful, and consistently improving. Open communication between leaders and citizens throughout the regions where Métis people live is important and natural for us.
My vision for Region 8 in 2024-2028 involves regular regional socials, coordinated inter-region visits, leadership skills sessions, water cleanup initiatives, and more! Today thousands of Métis people live outside historic Métis communities for countless reasons, including necessity, education, healthcare, and employment. Our connections to family back home are sometimes strong and sometimes broken or hidden. Stories stitch us together like sacred thread. Stories come from life experiences, and through them we are able to remember life during the fur trade era before Canada existed. Stories are our survival, cradle our worldview as human beings, and illustrate our responsibilities to our grandchildren and ancestors.
My family worked on the water until two generations ago, when we endeavored to survive in the city – and did so either by insisting on matriarchal strength, or becoming teachers.
In running for Region 8 Councillor on PCMNO, I am proposing that I be given the opportunity and the mandate to build structural communication mechanisms, including social events, collaborative initiatives, and quarterly Region 8 Townhalls, to serve MNO citizens living in Region 8 cities and towns.
Consensus in a democracy is difficult, but very strong when it’s achieved. Certain matters demand consensus – necessities of clean air, water, space to live, safety for children, freedom from violence, etc. – and these anchor our collective priorities. Finding areas where we agree takes more work and effort than focusing on where we disagree. My hope is that through this election process we can strengthen our nationhood, as self-governing Métis citizens exercising our rights in our democracy, and come through it with a clearer sense of our shared values.
Please connect with me at katestewartmcneil.ca